Jumat, 13 November 2015

Ruangan (Gelap, Misteri, dan Ludah)
Hugo S.Prabangkara

Hentakan kaki menjejaki lantai. Ini bukan lantai dansa memang, namun mereka berhias diri menyesaki ruang-ruang aktualisasi diri yang nyata namun fana. Tapi di mataku semua itu palsu, mereka berbaris rapih layaknya sapi yang akan di perah susunya, bukan jadi seperti model nan rupawan yang menjejaki lantai dansa sebuah diskotek ternama.
Bising memang. Pun kaki kaki mereka berderap tak sabar. Ludah-ludah kemudian terlontar karena bualan-bualan mereka. Mereka pun lambat laun membasahi “lumpur” perisai yang teroles di muka-muka bebal mereka. -Mereka saling melempar ludah.-
Satu per satu mereka pun di perah susunya. Terbukti dari tanda secuil kertas tebal berbubuhkan tanggal dan jumlah galon susu yang terperah. Ya, terlihat muka mereka bangga di gerayangi pemerah-pemerah itu. Ya mereka puas.
Laun mataku mengarah ke pemandanngan nan sadis; mereka yang mungil dan lugu pun turut di perah dan di gerayangi. Kenapa?! Kenapa?! Mataku pun perih, namun bagaimanapun juga ini nyata, ini hidup.
Tak lama satu persatu dari merreka dibagi dan digiring ke beberapa ruang gelap dengan lampu layaknya lampu teplok, dari jauh terdengar suara seorang perempuan, mungkin memanggil merreka. Ruangan itu dipenuhi gelap, horor, dan misteri, entah kenapa mereka tetap masuk dengan membusungkan dada dan berdansa kecil.
Pernah dengar aku, kisah. Yang mereka sukar percayai. Kisah dimana ruang gelap itu penuh dusta dan manipulasi. Pernah dengar juga aku ada yg terbakar hidup-hidup. Tapi tetap saja mereka kini mengorbankan diri masuk ke dalam ruangan yang “disakralkan” itu.
Lagi ku pandang gerbang masuk itu, beberapa dari mereka masuk dengan warna-warna yang tak sedap di pandang. Dengan robekan kain menutupi badan mereka. Tak sadar kah mereka di sini dingin sedingin musim hujan di semeru?
Masih dengan kebingungan ku pandang satu persatu. Otak ini pun penuh dengan fakta fakta yang teracun opini yang sudah mulai bertengger di ujung lidah.
"silahkan.." Ujar seorang pemuda tegap berkulit gelap, berkain hitam.
Giliranku telah tiba. Aku pun terpaksa masuk, terdorong penasaran, dan misteri.

Selamat tinggal teman. Aku masuk dalam gelap. -Selamat malam.-

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

The Train

A man drowned in smile,
"This is my time..."
He said with pride.
He's got the ticket not so long ago.
He'll be gone for the train.

Not things he'll be packed,
only trust that may not be tarnished,
"The 'Greens' won't work, The Landlord told me."

The long walk
for him,
For 59 years old of him,
Will not be sweet,
However trust will give him some.
The Sweets.

Stands still at the platform,
With dancing heart
And singing soul.
He hopes the train may come,
In time.

He drowned in smile
With dreams to die for,
He raises his foot,
Holds on the pole,
Time to say goodbye.

He rides on the train,
Smiles....and tears for a while.
"The LandLord is good, the LandLord is good...!"
He says with tears of joy
and drowning smile.
With dreams to die for.

A Lover of Century

Once did I visit on a path of adventure
Near the fountain of perpetual affection
Where laments are no longer my sin,
Yet I enjoy, a slightly question of love.
-How long will love last? –

And There I sat, crossed-leg sat, facing toward a lover.
A lover, if I may say, as old as the looming trees behind them.
Their gay-ish smiles, shiny yet grayish eyes purely
Dictate me, love of loves.
-How could they be so alive?-

The looming trees, dancing.
The wind, compose.
The bees, buzzing.
The sun, slightly warm.
The clouds, clothed them.
While I

The nature of a lover endlessly blessed them both,
Yet, I saw, a lovely reflection of me
Sit on their very spot,
With the looming tree behind.
How much longer should I wait?
A century he said,
a century of living  striving life of lives for love of loves

yet, once you have found it, he said,
boy you feel so alive.

Dangerous Thoughts

Few I shall adore
Few I shall adore
To die, to be ignored
To die, to be ignored.

My mind. Wanders.
I think too much;
"Why's what."
"How's what."

I put them in threat, said they
"Too dangerous!", said he
"Too vivid!", said she
"Where's fate, where's faith?" Said I

I am right, you are wrong
We both right, they are wrong
"Such rules of boredom!"
The righteous and the wrongs
The goods and the sinners
The agnostics and the atheists
The religious and the damned

Head of mine, spinning, asking, contemplating;
"Where to go?"
Wanders and wonders my mind;
"How's what?"
"Why's that?"

Devoted, some lives had.
To seek the "truth"
The "comfortable illusion of truth"
To answers;
What's right, what's wrong
How's right, how's wrong

O God !
How I stop this lethal mind?

Lamenting Man

Look all the pieces of my dreams
Shattered away since the dawn of time
Now just tarnished realms of rotten faces
Getting wiser getting uglier
This is just who I am right now

Falling off these weak white old crowns
Falling off just like my lover did
From thousand miles oh I did hear
“The train hath come, the train hath come”
That’s just what I’m looking up for now
But never did

On the journey o I had see a lot of smiles
Some are young, some are fools
On the journey I had see lot of loves
Yet what a waste, what a waste
This is just what I got right now

Some said I’m such a mourning man
Mourning things that pretty smalls
But what did they know, o what did they know
This is just what I am right now

I sit around at the graveyard meadow
Brightest shine o I had see
On my right side a marble stones carved as old as mine
And her name, my lover’s name

I sit around at the graveyard meadow
Glooming glow I had see
On my left side a marble chambers opened wide just for show
“That’s the body of mine”

Some said I’m such lamenting man
Lament the things that pretty old
But what did they know, o what did they know
This is just what I am right now

To Love You

Our very soul shall be reasoned
Tampered by tormented world of sin
Under the illusion of devotion
To love you

Our name shall be burdened with loneliness then
Strangled by the weeping sound of stranger’s ills
Begging to be eased
To love you

Though you wish for something shiny up into the sky
But down the earth strife and struggle never come into conclusion
Yet He would never lie
To love you

His face shall condemned bitter by your pretty eyes
Yet he devotes his soul for series of misfortune
For the very being of you
To love you

Your heart ought to questions the essentiality of a friend
For he has done so many what friend couldn't do
To love you

You shall dips your skin into pond of revelation
For he, your friend, the one that dumb enough
To love you

It’s nice to live under a tree

This tree, this wise old tree
Leans her back on to mine
While seeing those pretty geese dine
In a musical score created by the sweet rustle leaves from the pines
In a sensible way, ease my mind.

This tree, this wise old tree
A humble serenity where I found the key
To be someone who I’m supposed to be.
Yet, being me was not the real me
This tree know who I need to be

Then I see her old, old trunk,
I stroke her smooth, smooth yellow brown leaves,
 Protects me from all the plague of sadness,
Then the she sweeps all those windy darkness I see
Away from me. Away from me.

The sunset arrives, some clouds shall fly away
Yet the morrow never betrays
--The hatching sun in the east eventually springs.--
As ravens sit on her branch, and shouting the day,
And my hands hold the wrinkled roots of her; I say

“It was nice to live under this tree.”